Understanding the TYSM Meaning

The acronym tysm stands for “thank you so much,” and is commonly used internet and texting slang. According to Cyber Definitions, it can also be used sarcastically. This is most commonly used when typing and most people would say the complete phrase “thank you so much” when face-to-face. Over texting and the internet, the abbreviation tysm is very popular. Tysm is exclusively used in casual contexts and would never be used formally, in business discussions, or in other less casual settings. Since the terms originated as internet slang and is still predominantly used as such, using tysm in more formal settings is inappropriate. Tysm would be used in conversations where other internet slang is also appropriate, like “ilysm” in place of “I love you so much” or “omg” in place of “oh my goodness.” Tysm is an appropriate abbreviation to be used between friends or casual acquaintances, or in some circumstances even casual coworkers of the same level via instant messenger or text, or on SMS apps like WhatsApp. For example, via instant messenger, two coworkers may have the following conversation: One friend texts another, “Tysm for submitting my resume for that job!” The other friend replies, “Np at all! My pleasure.” Here, the other friend is also using internet slang – “np,” which stands for “no problem.”


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