What Happened to the Wolfpack Brothers? Who They Are and Where They Are Now

The Wolfpack Brothers, a group of six siblings who grew up in near-total isolation in a Manhattan apartment, captured the world’s attention with their unique story. Raised by strict parents who kept them confined indoors for most of their childhood, they turned to movies as their window to the outside world. Their tale was brought to light through the acclaimed documentary “The Wolfpack,” which chronicled their extraordinary upbringing and eventual steps into society.

Since the documentary’s release, many have wondered what became of these enigmatic brothers. Did they manage to adapt to life beyond their apartment walls? Where are they now, and how have they integrated into the broader world? This article delves into the current lives of the Angulo brothers, exploring how they’ve navigated newfound freedom and what paths they’ve chosen since stepping out from behind closed doors.

Who Are the Wolfpack Brothers?

The Wolfpack Brothers are six siblings raised in isolation in a Manhattan apartment. Their story gained attention through the documentary “The Wolfpack.”

Background and Early Life

Raised by strict parents, the Angulo brothers spent most of their childhood confined to their apartment. Their father, Oscar Angulo, restricted their outside interactions to protect them from perceived dangers. The brothers—Bhagavan, Govinda, Jagadisa, Krsna, Mukunda, and Narayana—turned to movies as a way to understand and connect with the world beyond their walls.

Rise to Fame

Their unique upbringing caught public interest when filmmaker Crystal Moselle discovered them in 2010. She documented their lives over several years, resulting in “The Wolfpack,” released in 2015. The film showcased how they recreated scenes from their favorite movies using homemade props and costumes. This creative outlet not only entertained them but also provided a means of coping with their isolation.

What Happened to the Wolfpack Brothers?

The release of “The Wolfpack” documentary in 2015 brought significant changes to the lives of the Angulo brothers. Their transition from isolation to public attention marked a new chapter.

Documentary Impact

“The Wolfpack” documentary, directed by Crystal Moselle, had a profound impact on the Angulo brothers. The film’s success introduced them to a wider audience and opened doors for new opportunities. They attended film festivals, participated in interviews, and engaged with fans who were moved by their story. This exposure allowed them to connect with industry professionals and explore careers in filmmaking and acting.

Challenges Faced Post-Fame

Despite newfound fame, the Angulo brothers faced several challenges post-documentary. Adapting to life outside their apartment proved difficult due to their sheltered upbringing. They struggled with social interactions and navigating everyday tasks that most people take for granted. Additionally, they encountered emotional difficulties as they processed their past experiences while trying to build independent lives.

Their journey continues as they balance personal growth with public interest in their unique story.

Where Are the Wolfpack Brothers Now?

The Wolfpack Brothers have continued to evolve since their story gained widespread attention. They remain active in various creative and personal pursuits.

Current Projects and Endeavors

The brothers have ventured into different artistic fields. Some have pursued careers in filmmaking, leveraging their unique experiences and perspectives. For example, Mukunda Angulo has directed short films that reflect his upbringing and creativity. Others have explored acting roles, participating in independent film projects.

Personal Growth and Development

Individually, the brothers have made significant strides in personal development. They continue to work on social skills and emotional resilience, essential for adapting to life outside their previously isolated environment. Therapy and counseling sessions have played a crucial role in this journey, helping them process past traumas while building healthier relationships with others.

Their collective journey highlights the ongoing balance between public interest and private growth as they navigate new opportunities while staying true to themselves.


The Wolfpack Brothers’ journey from isolation to public recognition has been both challenging and transformative. Despite the hurdles they faced in adapting to a new world, they’ve shown remarkable resilience and creativity. Each brother’s path reflects their unique interests and personal growth, whether in filmmaking or acting. Their story continues to inspire as they balance newfound opportunities with their ongoing quest for self-discovery and emotional well-being.

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