What Happened to the Turpin Children? Where Are They Now and What Are They Doing Today?

In 2018, the world was shocked by the harrowing story of the Turpin children, who were rescued from unimaginable conditions in their California home. These 13 siblings, ranging in age from 2 to 29, had endured years of severe abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents. The case sparked widespread outrage and raised urgent questions about how such cruelty could go unnoticed for so long.

Today, many are curious about the Turpin children’s current lives and how they’ve managed to move forward. While their journey to recovery has been challenging, these resilient individuals have been working hard to rebuild their lives. This article delves into what happened to the Turpin children, where they are now, and what they’re doing to heal and thrive.

The Turpin Case: An Overview

In January 2018, authorities rescued the 13 Turpin siblings from captivity in their California home. The children, aged 2 to 29, suffered severe abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents.

The Discovery and Initial Rescue

After a brave escape by one of the siblings, Jordan Turpin, law enforcement discovered the appalling living conditions inside the Turpin home. The children were malnourished and chained to beds, deprived of basic hygiene and education. Riverside County Sheriff’s Department took swift action, and the parents, David and Louise Turpin, were arrested.

Key Events During the Trial

During the trial, prosecutors detailed the extent of the abuse. Evidence included photographs, videos, and testimonies from the children. The Turpin parents faced multiple charges, including child cruelty, false imprisonment, and torture. In February 2019, David and Louise Turpin pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts. The following month, they received life sentences with the possibility of parole after 25 years.

Current Status of the Turpin Children

The Turpin children, rescued in 2018 from horrific abuse, have been navigating their recovery and rebuilding their lives. Their current status and challenges they face illustrate both resilience and systemic issues.

Where Are They Now?

Most of the Turpin children reside in foster care, group homes, and residential treatment centers. Some older siblings, such as Jordan and Jennifer, have achieved a degree of independence by securing housing and employment. They also pursue educational opportunities, both for personal development and to better their future prospects.

Challenges Faced After the Rescue

The Turpin children continue to confront significant emotional and psychological challenges due to their past trauma. Inadequate support from the foster care system has been an issue, with some reporting insufficient access to basic needs and financial aid. Therapy and counseling services are essential for their healing process, but these resources are often limited and difficult to secure.

Their journey is ongoing, with each sibling striving for stability and a sense of normalcy amidst the aftermath of their ordeal. The lack of a robust support system hampers their progress but not their determination to move forward.

The Turpin Children’s New Beginnings

The Turpin children, after enduring years of abuse, are on their path toward new beginnings. They are making strides in multiple aspects of their lives.

Educational Pursuits and Achievements

Educational progress is a priority for the Turpin children. The older siblings have enrolled in community colleges, pursuing various degrees. For example, one of the older siblings studies engineering, while another focuses on psychology. The younger children attend public schools or are in home-schooling programs to catch up on missed education. Charitable organizations have stepped in to provide educational resources, such as tutoring and scholarships, ensuring they have the support needed to succeed academically.

Personal Development and Recovery

Personal development is crucial for the Turpin children’s recovery. They actively engage in therapy sessions to address their traumatic experiences. Some of the siblings have taken an interest in creative arts, such as painting and music, as a form of expression and healing. They also participate in support groups where they connect with peers who have faced similar challenges. These activities help them build self-esteem and foster a sense of normalcy. Despite ongoing challenges, they remain resilient, determined to overcome their past and create fulfilling lives.

Public and Legal Impact

The Turpin case drew significant public and legal scrutiny. Their plight led to changes in legislation and heightened awareness around homeschooling and child welfare.

Changes in Home Schooling Laws

California’s Department of Education faced intense pressure to modify homeschooling regulations after the Turpin case. New policies require stricter oversight of homeschooling environments. Local authorities now conduct annual inspections if there are reports of potential abuse or neglect. They ensure children receive proper education in safe conditions. Enhanced reporting mechanisms help identify and address potential issues promptly.

Media Influence and Public Awareness

The extensive media coverage of the Turpin case brought child abuse and neglect into the spotlight. TV networks, newspapers, and online platforms reported extensively on the children’s ordeal. Documentaries and news specials further increased awareness. Public campaigns and advocacy groups leveraged this attention to push for stronger protective measures for children. Social media hashtags related to the case sparked discussions and mobilized support for legislative changes. The case underscored society’s role in safeguarding vulnerable individuals.


The Turpin children’s journey is a testament to resilience and the human spirit’s capacity to heal. Despite facing immense challenges, they’re making strides in education and personal growth. With the support of charitable organizations and their commitment to therapy, they’re gradually overcoming their traumatic past. The case’s impact on public awareness and legislative changes underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting vulnerable individuals. The Turpin siblings’ ongoing efforts to build fulfilling lives inspire hope and highlight the critical need for continued support and advocacy in child welfare.

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