We Were Here Together Walkthrough Guide: Essential Gameplay Tips and Strategies

Diving into the mysterious world of “We Were Here Together” can be both thrilling and challenging. This cooperative puzzle game demands not only sharp wits but also seamless communication between players. As you navigate through eerie environments and intricate puzzles, having a comprehensive walkthrough guide becomes essential.

Overview of “We Were Here Together”

“We Were Here Together” is a cooperative puzzle game developed by Total Mayhem Games. Players embark on an adventure where teamwork and communication are crucial. Set in a mysterious, snowy environment, the game challenges players to solve puzzles that require both logical thinking and collaboration.

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay involves two players who must work together to progress through various levels. Each player has different pieces of information, making communication essential for solving puzzles. The game features first-person perspective controls, enhancing immersion.

Key Features

  • Co-op Mode: Designed exclusively for two-player co-op mode.
  • Puzzles: Includes a variety of intricate puzzles requiring teamwork.
  • Environment: Set in an atmospheric, snowy landscape with detailed graphics.
  • Communication Tools: In-game walkie-talkies facilitate player interaction.


The story begins at the research base where players receive a distress signal from another expedition team. As they venture out to rescue their colleagues, they uncover secrets hidden within the icy terrain. The narrative unfolds through environmental storytelling and voice recordings found throughout the game.

System Requirements

To run “We Were Here Together,” ensure your system meets these minimum requirements:

Component Minimum Requirement
OS Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor Intel Core i3 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Memory 4 GB RAM
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or equivalent
Storage 10 GB available space
  1. Communicate Constantly: Use the in-game walkie-talkies effectively.
  2. Take Notes: Jot down clues as you encounter them.
  3. Explore Thoroughly: Investigate every corner for hidden items.
  4. Be Patient: Some puzzles may take time to solve; don’t rush.

By understanding these aspects of “We Were Here Together,” players can enhance their gaming experience and improve their chances of successfully navigating this challenging cooperative adventure.

Key Gameplay Elements

“We Were Here Together” offers a unique cooperative puzzle experience, requiring players to work together closely. Understanding key gameplay elements enhances the overall experience.

Puzzles and Challenges

Puzzles in “We Were Here Together” vary in complexity and type. Players encounter logic puzzles, pattern recognition tasks, and environmental challenges. For example, one puzzle may involve deciphering symbols while another requires manipulating machinery to progress. Each puzzle demands clear communication since each player has different pieces of information.

Cooperative Mechanics

Cooperative mechanics are central to the game. Players use walkie-talkies for communication, sharing clues and instructions essential for solving puzzles. The game design ensures that both players must contribute equally; one might operate controls while the other provides directions based on their perspective. This interdependence fosters teamwork and makes every action critical to success.

Understanding these gameplay elements helps players navigate “We Were Here Together” more effectively, ensuring an engaging cooperative adventure.

Walkthrough Guide Structure

The walkthrough guide for “We Were Here Together” offers a step-by-step approach to navigating the game’s puzzles and challenges. Each phase of the game requires distinct strategies and solutions.

Early Game Strategy

Players start by familiarizing themselves with basic controls and communication tools. The initial puzzles focus on simple logic tasks, introducing players to cooperative mechanics. For example, one player might need to describe symbols while the other matches them in their environment. Clear communication is essential from the beginning.

Mid-Game Challenges

As players progress, puzzles become more complex, involving multiple steps and requiring precise coordination. Environmental challenges often require both players to manipulate different parts of a mechanism simultaneously. An instance includes aligning mirrors to direct light beams or coordinating timed switches across separate rooms.

End-Game Solutions

In the final stages, puzzles integrate all previously learned skills and demand flawless teamwork. Players encounter intricate multi-layered tasks that test their problem-solving abilities under pressure. One scenario involves decoding cryptic messages while managing limited resources like oxygen or time-sensitive elements.

By following this structured guide, players can effectively navigate through “We Were Here Together,” ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Tips for New Players

Master Communication

Effective communication is crucial in “We Were Here Together.” Players should use the in-game walkie-talkies to relay information clearly and concisely. Each player often has different pieces of the puzzle, so sharing details accurately can prevent confusion. For example, if one player sees a symbol that matches an object on their partner’s screen, they should describe it precisely.

Familiarize with Controls

Understanding basic controls enhances gameplay efficiency. Both players need to know how to interact with objects, use inventory items, and navigate through the environment. Practicing these controls before tackling complex puzzles can save time and reduce frustration.

Observe Your Surroundings

Paying attention to environmental details is essential. Many puzzles rely on clues hidden within the game’s surroundings. Players should take note of unusual patterns, symbols, or sounds as these often provide hints for solving puzzles. For instance, a sequence of lights might correspond to a code needed later.

Divide and Conquer

Splitting tasks can streamline puzzle-solving processes. If one player focuses on gathering clues while the other works on interpreting them, progress can be made more efficiently. This division of labor ensures that both players contribute actively without duplicating efforts.

Use External Tools Sparingly

While it’s tempting to use external guides or tools for quick solutions, relying too heavily on them can detract from the cooperative experience. Instead, players should try solving puzzles independently first before seeking outside help if they’re truly stuck.

Practice Patience

Patience is key when navigating intricate puzzles and challenges. Rushing through sections often leads to missed clues or errors in judgment. Taking time to thoroughly explore each area and discuss potential solutions with your partner increases chances of success.

Keep Notes

Taking notes helps track important information encountered during gameplay. Writing down symbols seen or sequences heard ensures nothing gets forgotten when moving between different areas or working on multiple puzzles simultaneously.

Adapt Strategies as Needed

Flexibility in approach is beneficial since not all strategies work for every puzzle type found in “We Were Here Together.” If one method isn’t yielding results after several attempts, discussing alternative approaches with your partner may uncover new insights leading towards a solution.

By following these tips tailored specifically for new players embarking on their journey through “We Were Here Together,” individuals enhance their cooperative adventure experience while ensuring smoother navigation through its myriad challenges.


“We Were Here Together” offers a unique cooperative puzzle-solving experience that hinges on effective teamwork and communication. Players must navigate snowy landscapes, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover hidden secrets using in-game walkie-talkies. By mastering the provided gameplay tips such as efficient task division and keen observation, players can enhance their adventure significantly. The game’s emphasis on collaboration ensures that every session is both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re new to cooperative games or a seasoned player, “We Were Here Together” promises an engaging journey filled with mystery and discovery.

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